Every three years, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints holds an art competition spanning the globe and featuring works from members of the Church on a central theme. This year, we were please to be invited to an early viewing of the show and provide our reaction to the show and a number of works that stood out. In this special podcast episode, we dive into the show and the works, and as always would love to hear your thoughts on what stood out to you. Feel free to leave them in the comments below or reach out to us on Instagram @zionartsociety.
The following works were discussed in the episode. For more information visit history.lds.org
And I am Here by Danielle Hatch. Scripture Paper and wooden armature
The Plan of Salvation by Julie Yuen Yim. Chinese Paper Cutting.
For Us by Walter Rane. Oil and Graphic on Canvas.
And Should We Die by Jen Tolman. Oil on panel.
Coming Full Circle by Jenedy Paige. Oil on panel.
Ask of God by Janna Siebert. Glaze and glass sculpture on wood.
Mercy’s Embrace by Annie Henrie Nader. Acrylic, oil, gesso, charcoal, and metallic paint on wood panel.
Living Waters by Rose Datoc Dall. Oil on canvas.
Sorrow and Hope by Emily McPhie. Oil on panel.
Gratitude by Annette Everett. Bronze.
An Issue of Blood by Brian Kershisnik. Oil on canvas.
The Heavenly Host Praising God by Stephanie Billings. Digital print.
He Healed them All by Michael Malm. Oil on board.
First Vision by Elizabeth Coughanour. Hand-cut cardstock.