An Interview with the Artist Gary Ernest Smith

I this special episode, Micah Christensen sits down with the renowned artist Gary Ernest Smith to discuss the Art & Belief movement that Smith was instrumental in organizing in the 1960s. Held as a live interview and Q&A during the final night of the 2017 Zion Art Invitational, the interview dives into Smith's work and where LDS art has come in the last half-century. 

An Interview with the Artist Gary Ernest Smith
Zion Art Society
The Martyrdom of Joseph Smith by Gary Ernest Smith. Oil on Linen. 20 x 30 in. Collection of the Artist.

The Martyrdom of Joseph Smith by Gary Ernest Smith. Oil on Linen. 20 x 30 in. Collection of the Artist.

Note: Please excuse the audio quality on this particular podcast, it was recorded remotely in front of a live audience. 
